Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Pemimpin Oke

Baru sekitar 2 minggu saya kenal orang tersebut dan bahkan baru sekitar 2 kali saya bertemu muka dengannya tapi terlalu banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil dari sosoknya. Beliau adalah seorang Direktur Marketing tempat saya bekerja sekarang. Tadinya, saya pikir sosok seorang atasan yang pintar, cerdas, tapi sangat rendah hati itu hanya ada di dalam dongengannya motivator tapi ternyata ada juga loh di dunia nyata bahkan di sebuah perusahaan besar yang dipimpin oleh orang yang bukan berkebangsaan Indonesia.
Sudah semenjak dua bulan, perusahaan asli Indonesia tempat saya bekerja sekarang di akuisisi oleh perusahaan asing milik Thailand. Pembelian saham tersebut di ikuti juga dengan pergantian orang di seluruh tingkat management inti. Pos-pos pergantian tersebut selanjutnya diisi oleh orang-orang berkebangsaan Thailand. Biasanya, perusahaan asing termasuk orang-orang di dalamnya akan mendiskreditkan orang-orang dalam perusahaan yang mereka akuisisi. Jelas saja, mereka pasti ingin menyelematkan perusahaan yang telah di belinya, wajar saja kalo mereka merasa lebih pintar dari orang-orang yang sudah ada dalam perusahaan tersebut sebelumnya. Setelah orang-orang Thailand tersebut mulai berdatangan, memang sih ada beberapa orang yang mendiskreditkan kita. Tapi kalau mau berpikir positif, mungkin itu hanya prasangka saya saja, mengingat perbedaan budaya antara Indonesia dengan Thailand. Bisa jadi mereka tidak berpikir negatif terhadap orang-orang Indonesia. Tapi kalaupun mereka berpikir negatif ya sah-sah dan sudah menjadi hak mereka sih. Kalaupun perusahaan saya mengakuisisi perusahaan lain, apalagi saya di posisi Top Management, pasti saya juga akan bersikap demikian, meng-cut seluruh posisi penting dengan orang yang saya percaya.
Pemikiran atau prasangka saya barusan ada benernya ada salahnya juga loh setelah saya mengenal sosok Direktur Marketing berkebangsaan Thailand. He's totally bright!! Entah bagaimana caranya, beliau tampak sangat mengerti, sangat cepat mengidentifikasi, dan sangat cepat tanggap dalam memberikan solusi terhadap apapun (baik kelebihan atau pun kekurangan) yang ada dalam divisi Marketing.
Walaupun sangat cerdas, brilliant, dan memegang jabatan penting, beliau jauh bahkan sangat jauh dari kesan sombong atau bisa dibilang 'sok pintar'. Beliau selalu memberikan solusi atau pun kritik dengan cara-cara yang selalu bisa diterima orang, setidaknya bisa diterima saya. Dalam berbicara juga, beliau selalu tersenyum. Senyum itu hal yang simple tapi kebanyakan orang sering lupa untuk melakukannya. Saya juga tidak mau naif sih, saya juga sering lupa senyum apalagi kalau banyak kerjaan di kantor, entah itu penggambaran konsentrasi atau apalah. Tapi jika seorang Direktur, yang notabennya pasti punya banyak sekali kerjaan dan tanggung jawab yang harus di pegang, saja selalu tersenyum. Nampaknya saya terlalu lebay kalo saya mengatasnamakan konsentrasi atas ketidaksenyuman saya. Apalagi senyum itu efeknya bagus banget buat orang lain.
Satu hal yang saya kagumi lagi adalah rasa empati yang dia selalu tunjukkan ke orang lain. Susah loh berempati itu, atau saya terlalu lebay juga akan empati itu. Dengan posisi setinggi itu, dia mampu dan mau berempati terhadap orang lain, jadi staf-staf nya juga merasa lebih dihargai oleh beliau. Yang penting bagi saya adalah keingininan untuk berempati tersebut.
Dari hal-hal simple itu lah, saya belajar banyak hal tentang kepemimpinan. Jadi pemimpin itu kuncinya sebenernya tidak susah juga kok. Banyak orang yang datang, mengikuti, atau nonton acara-acara motivasi untuk bisa mendapatkan point-point menjadi pemimpin yang baik. Sebenernya para pemimpin atau orang yang ingin jadi pemimpin tidak perlu repot-repot mencari kunci sukses untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik dan disegani ketika mereka sudah menemukan kuncinya bahwa yang perlu mereka tunjukkan adalah sisi humanitas atau kemanusiaan dari dalam diri mereka sendiri.
Ya begitulah, sisi kemanusiaan kadang-kadang pudar ditengah kesibukan yang ada padahal sisi tersebut lah yang bisa menjadi dasar untuk menghargai siapa saja. Akhir kata, saya hanya bisa bilang terima kasih atas pelajaran yang sangat-sangat berharga, yang mungkin tidak bisa saya dapatkan dalam buku manapun. Karena terkadang pengalaman bisa menimbulkan efek yang lebih dalam dan lama. Semoga hal ini bisa saya ingat dan aplikasikan jika saya menjadi pemimpin nanti.


Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Happy 55 Ma,

God, I can't wait to meet tomorrow. My mom gonna be 55 on July 20th. Maybe, it will be her important and memorable day, besides her 17th birthday. That just because most of people will be retired in the age of 55. I don't know how it feels to be retired but people said it's hard to face the time. They usually more sensitive than before. The term of that feeling usually be called as the Power Syndrome. It's hard to explain power syndrome but simply, it is came up when people loose their power, authority, activity when they retired. I can imagine how retired people who were use to doing things become stressful when they have nothing to do. That's why tomorrow will be the important day for my Mom.

Knowing how hard it will be, I promise to make my mom feel more confident in her 55 by letting her to know that she has 2 daughters and a son to secure her so she don't have to worry. My siblings and I have to convince her that we always be in her side whenever and wherever. So, starting from me, i have bought her favorite chocolate cake and i believe she will like it. I also have called  and told my brother to come home not later than 1 am so we can surprise her altogether. I hope things gonna run smoothly.

Lots of love for you mom. Thank you for all things you've given to us, that's too precious. We don't know what else we can give to make you happy. But again, do not worry mom, we always be in your side to make you happier day to day. :D

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Bye Germany

Actually, I have posted about this story before in another site called multiply but since I just sign up to blogspot and I am arrogant enough, I think it will be ok if i post this again right here in blog spot. :D
It is about achievement of catching my dream. First i want to tell you that I really really really want to go abroad whether to Aussie, Europe, or US. But I will be very very very glad if  i have a chance to go to US especially to New York or Chicago. For Everyone, who can get me there, please email me. :D
The dream goes on until god give me the way to go to Germany. Yes, Germany and one more time that Germany in Europe. Was that like a dream come true for me? Ohyaaa, absolutely.
It was begin in June 2011 when i got the information that I passed through the job selection process for position called "Intermediator Teknologi" or "Technology Broker" under the Ministry of Research and Technology. Before going to the the real technology broker, I should be sent to Germany to join the technology training there for around 3 months and then I should be sent back to Indonesia again with one big target which is build at least 2 SMEs.
At that time, I have imagined that I will be in germany, meeting someone new there, learning subject that contrary to my previous subject "communication", breathing the different air, taking some picture of its building, posting my picture there to facebook so everybody could see me that I'm catching my dreams, and etc etc etc. Until I can not imagine more of what i will be doing in Germany because I won't go there in September. Yes, I'm sure I won't go there in September.
There are lot of things to considering about that. For about 3 weeks I surrounded by dillema. It's hard to let that chance that maybe won't come twice. But the strange working contract system convince me to tell the employer that i'm gonna resigned from that position. People would think me as an arrogant. But I don't care what they will talk about me. As far as I know, If we will be departed in September, we have to sign the working contract at least in the end of June. Moreover, the employer have informed us that working contract process will be signed in June 27th and until now (if I ain't wrong because i already resigned) the working contract has yet to be run.
Another consideration is the working contract between me and the employer after the training is just for two years. It's mean that i have to find another job in 2014. Ohh God, it will be too naive for me if i said that i don't want a settle life with enough salary. Honestly, I really want to serve a good facilitation for my mom and siblings and make them happy. and I think i couldn't reach that if i take that chance of Technology Broker. All i get for taking that chance will be just satisfying my ego.
However, I should thank to Allah SWT for answering my prayers and thank to the Ministry of Research and Technology for trusting and giving me the chance to fill the position. At the same time i took the decision, I also accepted in one BUMD called PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk. So far, I am sure this is the best decision i took. I am sure Allah SWT knows more alot about the best thing for me and gives the blessing.
Last but not least, You and I Do not have to worry because I won't forget my dream to go to Aussie, Europe, and US. Someday, I will be there and just wait for me. :Dfrom multiply

First Introduction

w.o.w WOW, maybe i am a bit to late to join with billion blogspot users in the the world. But there are no words late  to begin something. Aha!! so Here I am now, starting to write and share some stories with you or even just with the site and the computer. (lol)
I like to share my stories, my experiences, and my dreams but in the other side i also feel tired to tell all of that to human. It's just because people sometime don't put their interest to my stories even if their face shows that their interest. But the important thing is, Humans are rarely can be trusted. But what I am talking about? This site are used and created by human. (lol) Ya ya ya ya, as a human, i still need the other human and at least i first tell my stories to the computer.
The thing is I just want to feel free to share something and You whoever you are please free to read and put your idea about the stories I tell. :))

