Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Happy 55 Ma,

God, I can't wait to meet tomorrow. My mom gonna be 55 on July 20th. Maybe, it will be her important and memorable day, besides her 17th birthday. That just because most of people will be retired in the age of 55. I don't know how it feels to be retired but people said it's hard to face the time. They usually more sensitive than before. The term of that feeling usually be called as the Power Syndrome. It's hard to explain power syndrome but simply, it is came up when people loose their power, authority, activity when they retired. I can imagine how retired people who were use to doing things become stressful when they have nothing to do. That's why tomorrow will be the important day for my Mom.

Knowing how hard it will be, I promise to make my mom feel more confident in her 55 by letting her to know that she has 2 daughters and a son to secure her so she don't have to worry. My siblings and I have to convince her that we always be in her side whenever and wherever. So, starting from me, i have bought her favorite chocolate cake and i believe she will like it. I also have called  and told my brother to come home not later than 1 am so we can surprise her altogether. I hope things gonna run smoothly.

Lots of love for you mom. Thank you for all things you've given to us, that's too precious. We don't know what else we can give to make you happy. But again, do not worry mom, we always be in your side to make you happier day to day. :D

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